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Let the logs flow

Flume is a general-purpose stream processing framework. It includes a simple but powerful templating system and all the utilities to shape your data streams.

NOTE: This is new code. Master is in flux and docs are lacking, but it is in a point where it could be useful to someone. If it is useful to you, help us get to 1.0.0. You can start by reading the contributing guide at https://github.com/ilovetux/flume/CONTRIBUTING.rst.


  • Simple, Powerful templating system
  • Extensible input and output system
  • Command line utilities
  • TODO: Web GUI
  • TODO: Many default use cases covered
  • TODO: –no-overwrite option
  • TODO: Improve test coverage


Currently the only way to install this package is to clone it which should look like the following:

$ git clone https://github.com/ilovetux/flume
$ cd flume
Then you can run the tests::
$ python setup.py test

And if they pass (fingers crossed!), go ahead with:

$ pip install .


The built-in templating engine is very simple, it consists of a namespace and a template. The template is rendered within the context of the namespace.

Rendering involves two stages:

  1. scanning the template for strings matching the pattern {%<Expression>%} where <Expression> is Python source code which is executed (exec) within the context of the namespace and removed from the output.
  2. scanning the remaining output for strings matching the pattern {{<Statement>}} where <Statement> is a Python statement which is replaced (along with {{ and }}) with the value to which it evaluates (eval)

This concept is applied to a variety of use cases and embodied in the form of command line utilities which cover a number of common use cases.


The command line utility, flume, can be run in two modes:

  1. Streaming mode: Data is streamed through and used to populate templates
  2. Document mode: Render files src and write the results to dst

Streaming mode

Streaming mode runs in the following manner:

  1. reads data from filenames, which defaults to stdin
  2. At this point any expressions passed to –begins are executed
  3. The files specified are processed as follows in order
  1. Any expressions passed to –begin-files are executed
  2. The data from the current file is read line-by-line
  1. Any statements passed to –tests are evaluated
  2. Iff all tests pass, the following process is performed.
  1. Any expressions passed to –begin-lines are executed
  2. Any templates are rendered through the python logging system
  1. Any expressions passed to –end-lines are executed
  1. Any expressions passed to –end-files are executed
  1. Any expressions passed to –ends are executed

Below are a few examples. See the documentation for more details:

$ # Like grep
$ flume stream --test "'error' in line.lower()" --template "{{line}}" *.log
$ # Like wc -l
$ flume stream --end-files "print(fnr, filename)" *.log
$ # Like wc -wl
$ flume stream --begins "words=0" --begin-lines "words += nf" --end-files "print(words, fnr, filename)"
$ # Find the count of numbers "\d+" for each line
$ flume stream --begins "import re" --begin-lines "print(re.findall(r'\d+', line))" *.log

Please see the documentation for more as well as trying:

$ flume stream --help

Important Note:

If anything passed to any of the hooks is determined to exist by os.path.exists then it will be read and executed as if that text was passed in on the CLI. This is useful for quickly solving character escaping issues.

Document mode

Document mode runs tries to render a group of files from one location to another. It is used like this:

$ flume doc <src> <dst>

There are options to control behavior, but the gist of it is:

  1. if src is a file
  1. if dst is a filename, src is rendered and written to dst
  2. if dst is a directory, src is rendered and written to a file in dst with the same basename as src
  1. if src is a directory
  1. dst must be a directory and every file in src is rendered into a file in dst with the same basename as the file from src
  2. If –recursive is specified, the subdirectories will be reproduced in dst

Some important notes:

  • File and directory names can be templated
  • If –interval is passed an integer value, the program will sleep for that many seconds and check for changes to your templates in which case they will be re-rendered

Use Cases

Streaming mode is great for processing incoming log files with tail –follow=name or for ad-hoc analysis of text files.

Document mode is incredibly useful for a powerful configuration templating system. The –interval option is incredibly useful as it will only re-render on a file change, so is great for developing your templates as you can view the results in real-time.

Document mode is also useful for near-real-time rendering of static web resources such as charts, tables, dashboards and more.


Author: iLoveTux This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.